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Thursday 31 August 2017

As this new month of September 2017 begins, here are our wishes for you:
May this month bring you satisfaction, peace and joy.
May all the desires of your heart be granted.
May this be the beginning of new things in your life.
Stay strong, be positive and fulfill your dreams
Happy new month friends!
“They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself.” ~ Andy Warhol
“For last month’s words belong to last month’s language and next month’s words await another voice.”
T.S. Eliot
Image result for new month quotes

“The only way to spend New Month’s Eve is either quietly with friends or in a brothel. Otherwise when the evening ends and people pair off, someone is bound to be left in tears.”
W.H. Auden
“Ring out the old, ring in the new, Ring, happy bells, across the snow: The year is going, let him go; Ring out the false, ring in the true.” ~Alfred Lord Tennyson
“Life is overflowing with the new. But it is necessary to empty out the old to make room for the new to enter.”~ Eileen Caddy
“Many people look forward to the New Month for a new start on old habits.”
“I made no resolutions for the New Month. The habit of making plans, of criticizing, sanctioning and molding my life, is too much of a daily event for me.”
Anais Nin
“Drop the last month into the silent limbo of the past. Let it go, for it was imperfect, and thank God that it can go.”
Brooks Atkinson

“Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.” ~ Carl Bard
New month, new day, new date, new chapter, new page, new wishes! Welcome
New month, new day, same goals! Let's go start May off on a good start!
Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, yippee! It's New month! Happy New Month my beloved friend.
May your days be painted in gold. May your life be filled with diamonds. May the stars shine bright on your world. May you have a fun filled month. Happy New Month.
With a new year of your journey, shall come more challenges, opportunities and greater success. May God bless you. Happy New Month.
Oh my dear, forget your fear, let all your dreams be clear, never put tear, please hear, I want to tell one thing in your ear, wishing you a very Happy New Month!
Never ever raise a toast for those deeds which you do for yourself, raise a toast to something which you do for others. Make it happen. Happy new Month.
Another month has passed, another month has come. I wish for you, that with every month you touch all your dreams. May God pour love and care on you. Happy New Month.
Every end is just a new beginning. Keep your spirits and determination unshaken and you shall always walk the glory road. With courage, faith and efforts you shall conquer everything you desire. I wish you a very happy new month.
Time has no divisions to mark its passage, there is never a thunder-storm or blare of trumpets to announce the beginning of a new month or year. Even when a new century begins it is only we mortals who ring bells and fire off pistols.
Thomas Mann
"September reminds us
of everything that we should be thankful for,
which includes the precious gift waking up
this morning."
For the New month, wishing you abundance of good luck. Lots of love. Total peace of mind and much more wealth Happy New Month!
A new month is like a blank book. The pen is in your hands. It is your chance to write a beautiful story for yourself. Happy New Month.
Another month filled with sweet memories and joyous times has passed. You made my month special and I wish you continue to do so. With you around, every moment is an occasion for me. I hope you have a great month ahead. May God bless my love, with his care and warmth. I love you and wish you a very Happy New Month.
Many people await new months day, to make a new start to their old habits. I wish you otherwise, Happy New Month.
I wish you a very Happy New Month. Hope you have a great time ahead.
No one can go back in time to change what has happened. So work on your present to make yourself a wonderful future. Happy New Month.
"Life lessons are very
important to us. We'll need to learn from our
mistakes and correct our errors before we
have the chance to become who we want to
"No matter how tough it gets in the journey
Of our lives or how lonely
we may think we feel,
there is always God
presence, in every steps of our life to
guides us through life
May you always keep in your heart the Special beauty and cheer of Happy New Month.
Oh my dear, forget your fear, Let all your dreams be clear, Never put tear, please hear, I want to tell one thing in your ear Wishing u a very Happy New Month
May you have a smashing new month filled with lots of delightful surprises. May you have a Happy New Month.
May each and every day of yours be renewed with lots of happiness and love. Happy New Month.
Let go of the past behind you. Right ahead, lies a new beginning. Make it a memorable experience. Happy New Month.
I wish this month has lesser disasters, lesser hate, lesser accidents and loads of love. Happy New Month.
Keep the smile, Leave the tear, Hold the laugh, Leave the pain, Think of joy, Forget the fear, Be joyous, coz Its new month! Happy new Month!
Each age has deemed the new-born month. The fittest time for festal cheer. Happy New Month
For last months words belong to last months language. And next months words await another voice. And to make an end is to make a beginning. Happy New Month
“An optimist stays up until midnight to see the new month in. A pessimist stays up to make sure the old month leaves.”
Bill Vaughn
“Cheers to a new month and another chance for us to get it right.”
Oprah Winfrey
“The object of a new month is not that we should have a new month. It is that we should have a new soul”
G. K. Chesterton
“Matt and I have set a date. Matt and I will tie the knot New Months Day in the town of Swampscott, Massachusetts. Reserve your hotel rooms now. I will be having a gay marriage.”
Ben Affleck
“A New Month’s resolution is something that goes in one month and out the other.”
“Only one thing has to change for us to know happiness in our lives: where we focus our attention.” ~ Greg Anderson
“The object of a New Year is not that we should have a new year. It is that we should have a new soul.” ~ G.K. Chesterton
“New Month’s Day is every man’s birthday.”
Charles Lamb

Looking for best birthday wish wish?  Here we've got some for you

Ø  In this life, there are too many adventures and so little time to enjoy all of them. Not for you. You have always jumped in; head first, with so much fire and grit. Life’s an endless adventure with you beside me. Happy Birthday to a champion.
Ø  I look forward to spending every birthday with you because you are a bundle of joy. Every single day, you amaze me at your ability to make the sun shine through every cloud. You deserve a big celebration, and I’m making it happen.
Ø  This is a day of celebration not only because of your special day. It is also the day we give thanks for having you in our lives. You are a blessing.
Ø  A celebration isn’t complete without some reflection and introspection. Take the time to look behind you; the clues to your future are in there.
Ø  Only you can determine how old you truly are. So go ahead, wear that purple hat with the red dress if you must. Scale a mountain and glide over a cliff if you seek adventure. It’s your life – own it.
Ø  Birthdays mean a fresh start; a time for looking back with gratitude at the blessings of another year. It is also a time to look forward with renewed hope for bigger blessings. May you find true bliss as you face your next milestones.
Ø  It’s your birthday and you’re still just as beautiful, genuine and kind as the day I met you. Wishing you a Happy Birthday with gratitude.
Ø  You are never too old to learn something new. You are never too awkward to try something different. Welcome to another chapter of your life.
Ø  My wish for you is that you continue to love life and never stop dreaming. May beauty and happiness surround you, not only on your special day, but always.
Ø  You are beyond amazing. May your birthday herald another year of big successes and dreams fulfilled. Happy Birthday.
Ø  The advantage of old age is that you get to spread your love to many others.
Ø  May your special day bring plenty of excitement, fun, and appreciation from those who love you. I can’t think of anyone more deserving than you!

 Birthday Wishes for your Best Friends from the Heart
  • ·         You have been there for me no matter what. I love you, my dear friend, and I am so excited to share your special day with you.
  • ·         Instead of counting candles on your birthday cake this year, count all the memories the two of us hold dear! Happy Birthday from your Best Friend!
  • ·         Words alone are not enough to express how happy I am you are celebrating another year of your life! My wish for you on your birthday is that you are, and will always be, happy and healthy! Don’t ever change.
  • ·         We have been together so long, I can’t think of life without you. But I will never tire of wishing you happy birthday. Live long, love life and relish every moment.
  • ·         Your birthday is a wonderful occasion all by itself. But for me, it’s a special day allowing me to thank God for all that your friendship has meant to me.
  • ·         Ever since we were little, you have always been there to help me. I’m so glad we’re still friends, and I bet that, one day, we’ll be sitting side-by-side in our rocking chairs at the nursing home laughing at all of our crazy times together.
  • ·         My best friend deserves the best party in the world, and my goal is to give it to you. Get ready to celebrate! The party starts as soon as we’re together.
  • ·         Today is the time of celebration; I hope you have a wonderful day with loads of love and surprises. May your birthday gives you the best memories till the next one, may you have success waiting ahead.
  • ·         I still remember the day I met like it was yesterday. I am the luckiest person to have friends like you and the date when you are born is a moment of great joy for me. It represents the day a very special person came to this world.
  • ·         On your birthday, I’d like to take some time to think about all of the wonderful times we’ve shared together. I’m thankful for our adventures and all of the things that we’ve done as friends. I look forward to making many more memories with you.
  • ·         There are so many things about our friendship that I love. Your birthday is going to be the perfect time to celebrate your special day, and all that our friendship means to me. I look forward to showing you how much I care.
  • ·         I can’t believe how lucky I am to have found a friend like you. You make every day of my life so special. It’s my goal to make sure your birthday is one of the most special days ever. I can’t wait to party it up with you!
  • ·         The best part of having you as my best friend is being able to act crazy and wild, and not have a care in the world. I truly feel as if I can let my hair down when I’m with you.
  • ·         We have known each other forever. Every year, I tell you the same things on your birthday, and you make it sound like I’m so original. But that is just the kind of person you are: sweet, humble and caring. I hope you never get tired of hearing that.
  • ·         On this special day of your life, I hope you get all whatever you have ever desired to have. I wish you all the world happiness, may you enjoy this amazing day as much as you can. A very happy birthday to my best friend, may you have a fabulous one.
  • ·         Happy Birthday, my dear friend. I don’t know if I could ever convey to you just how much you mean to me. I can’t imagine where I would be right now without you. You have changed my life for the better.
  • ·         Having a friend like you has made my life so much easier. You are always there to carry me through my times of trouble. That’s why today, your special day, is a great time to celebrate all that you have done for me.
  • ·         A friend like you is more priceless than the most beautiful diamond. You are not only strong and wise, but kind and thoughtful as well. This day is the perfect opportunity to show you much I care and how grateful I am to have you in my life.
  • ·         My dearest friend, today is your birthday, and I look forward all year to celebrating this day with you. I have planned so many wonderful activities and I can’t wait to see your face light up when you see what I have in store for you.
  • ·         On your special day, I am recalling all of the great times we’ve spent together. You always bring a sweet smile to my face! Happy Birthday to you, my special friend, who will forever hold a special place in my heart.
  • ·         Your birthday is a time for celebrating what makes you one-of-a-kind. Thank you for being my friend. You’re truly a rare find!
  • ·         A friend is someone who knows your past and still loves you. A friend is someone who believes in your future in spite of your past. You have been such a good friend to me. May all your wished come true this coming year.
  • ·         Here’s to hoping all of your wishes will come true once you blow out those candles. If anyone deserves all the happiness in the world, it’s you. Thanks for always being there for me.
  • ·         Every passing year is just another reminder of how strong our friendship is. So I want to wish you a sincere “Happy Birthday”, may that every wish you have to come true, because you are the person that deserve it the most!
  • ·         Today, I wish you the warmest love and happiness. May all of your dreams become a reality. But even more than that, may it bring you loads of true love and friendship.
  • ·         Birthday Messages for Friends
  • ·         Your friendship is one of the best things about my life. Thanks for sharing your sense of humor, your zest for life, and your wisdom with me.
  • ·         They told us that we have to learn to grow old gracefully. You are already graceful in everything you do and say, so you have mastered the art of living.
  • ·         You are a wonderful source of joy! May your special day bring you an extra share of everything that makes you the happiest in the world.
  • ·         Don’t think that your birthday is just a reminder of another passed year, because for me, it is the celebration that marks the birth of the best person I ever met in my life. God bless you, hoping He will keep you near for many years to come.
  • ·         Your birthday is an occasion for celebration! Although extraordinary persons like your should be celebrated every day, not just once a year! So best wishes my dearest friend!
  • ·         A friend is someone who understands your past, believes in your future, and accepts you just the way you are – even if you are getting older. Thank you for being that friend.
  • ·         A great friend and a happy birthday: that’s what you are, and that’s what I wish for you.
  • ·         Let me tell you that, with every passing year, you’re becoming the wisest and best-looking friend that I have ever known! May you continue to put out the very best in your life!
  • ·         You are the most special friend I know, and I’m so glad that I can call you my best friend. I hope you have the happiest day ever.

Inspirational Nuggets of Wisdom for Birthdays

  • It’s the journey that counts not the destination.
  • It is not the number of years we count on our birthdays. It is the number of blessed opportunities we have spent with you. It’s a complicated formula.
  • Age is a state of mind. You’re only as old as you believe you are. Think positive.
  • This is a great time to start living. Welcome to your new year/new life celebrations.
  • Never stop dreaming. There is no secret deadline for life’s achievements. Keep looking forward and believe that there are more adventures waiting for you around the corner.
  • When you focus on the celebrations rather than the frustrations, your life becomes one endless string of celebrations.
  • It’s the simplest things that make your life count, like a simple wish.
  • It’s your choice, when and how your life’s sparking begins, not age.
  • Don’t count the years. Count the wishes and all the cheers.
  • Life is a journey. Enjoy every mile.
  • Don’t look for a heaven in the sky. Make your own heaven right here.

Wednesday 30 August 2017

We love receiving new month wish so here are our best wishes from around the web

There is a new month wish for your girlfriend, sister, mum, dad and brother. Even clients and customers too

May all of your previous failures
turn into success this month.
Happy New Month…

Today is the day to start something new and you have to feel fresh, just because it’s a new month, help yourself to be happy, and let go of everything bad! Happy New Month.

Happy new month wishes from us! May these days not go to waste, make every second count, and don’t let anyone make you negative or unhappy, because as they say “Happiness is the only thing worth fighting for in your life! Happy New Month my dear”

May your tomorrow be brighter, May this new month be more successful, I wish this month brings more inspiration and love in your life. Happy new month my love.
Just keep saying AMEN…
Surprises + Elevation + Peace + Favor + Wealth + Success + Long life +Joy + Promotion + Protection + All & more shall be yours IJN Happy New Month ..

Always remember to never forget and never forget to remember that your resolution to be successful is more important than anything. Drive your eyes heart with motivation and go into this new month to achieve great things. Have a Splendid New Month my buddy

happy new month to my sweetheart.
Happy new Month Dearie… I think about you more than you’d ever know

A new month is so refreshing, you can make new experiences,
go on new adventures and just be plain happy!
That’s just what I wish for you.
Happy New Month

May your dreams come true this month,
May all your wishes be fulfilled.
Happy New Month

Life is too short. Enjoy and have fun. Forgive your friends. Love by heart. Laugh out loud. Do everything that makes you smile. Wishing you a splendid new Month and remain cool.

As the sun shines and is Visible for all to see… So shall the Glory of God be in your Life always. Happy New Month.
A fresh and joyful month
Is to come,
May God sanctify you?
With cheerfulness
And delight which
You miss in the
Previous month.
Happy New Month.

May your tomorrow be brighter, May this new month be more successful, I wish this month brings more inspiration and love in your life, Happy new month.

Open your Mind to Possibilities
You’ll be amazed by what you are capable of achieving
We are powerful beyond measure.
May the Almighty God balance d equation 4 U dis new Month.
Happy New Month

Forget about the days and night, ups and downs, good and bad of the previous month. Its time to go on and hope for the best. Wish you a happy New Month ahead.

May new month becomes one of the most blessed and happy months for you. In this beautiful month, May its shining lights up every dark corner of our heart, May our all prejudices against each other disappears, May Allah give us the strength to follow His orders, May peace transcend the earth. Bless You A Very Happy New Month.
I wish you strength
I wish you to be wise
I wish everything that’s likewise. Happy New Month my friend

Life’s like a cup of tea.
To be filled and enjoyed.
Happy New Month dear
Just Like the Eagle,
You’ll fly Like Gold,
You will be Valued Like the Sun,
You shall shine bright Like the river,
You shall flow unlimited Like the Palm Tree,
You shall Flourish and like Money, You shall be Useful
Happy New Month …

May this month be a good news bearer for you,
May all your problems be solved.
Happy New Month…

New month, new challenges, new hopes, new goals… I hope you beat every challenge and achieve your goals this month successfully. Happy New Month.

Make your new month, as bright as sun, as colorful as rainbow, as lovely as flowers, as happy as birds. Enjoy the month to the fullest! Happy New Month!
Try to make your new month
as bright as moon
as gay as butterflies
as colorful as rainbow
as lovely as flowers
as happy as birds.
So enjoy your new month
at full extent.;)
happy New Month!

New month always comes with new challenges and purposes for us, it is a voice of my heart that you defeat all challenges and be successful not only in this month but all the years of life.
Happy New Month

Hope this month will bring a lot of change in your life This change will be as good as you are. Enjoy your new month with all of your friends and your loved ones. Happy New Month!

When there comes new moments of new month, my heart wishes that your face always keep on smiles and laughter throughout month and you never see any sadness.
Wish you a Happy New Month

The New Month of happiness has arrived, Get ready to gather all the treasure of blessings, Help others by giving them smiles and happiness, So everyone can enjoy the celebration ahead, Wish You a Nice Month Ahead.

Always look forward towards your future. Fill your eyes and heart with motivation, Push yourself and boosts your capabilities to do what you want, May your will gain confidence and believe in what you do, Wishing you a happy Month.

Patience is the key to all doors of success,
Patience teaches us the art of hard work,
We should do this practice, so we can find the
real concept of success and happiness.
Happy New Month.

Whenever new month comes, my hands raise for the best time of your life ever. I wish you always stay happy and never see any trouble and worries in future. Wish you a happy and pleasant new month. Happy New Month

Wish you a warm, Sweet and happy New Month. This month, make a plan to spend the quality time with your loved ones and with me too. Happy New Month.

May Allah bless you with strength, peace of soul, love of family and friends and all the good happenings this time. Wish you a pleasant New Month

Wishing you fabulous new month,
a month with new experiences waiting for you.
Happy New Month…

Wish you a good start of this month with pleasant hopes for each coming day. I wish you a blessed one. Happy New Month
More Happy New Month Quotes and SMS
A fresh and joyful month Is in relation to come, May God sanctify you With cheerfulness And delight which
You missed in the Previous month Happy New Month.
Pray for God’s direction on the start of the month so that He will help you in every aspect of your life throughout the month. Have a Nice New Month.
May this new month become one of the most blessed and happy month for you. In this beautiful month, May its shining light, flood every dark corner of our heart, May our all prejudices against each other be no more, May God give us the strength to follow His guidance and may peace fill our souls. Happy New Month.
Always look forward towards your future. Fill your vision and mind with motivation, Project yourself and boost your capabilities to achieve what you want, May you will gain confidence and believe in what you do, Wish you a happy Month.
 As the sun shines and it is Visible for all to see so shall the Glory of God be in your Life always Happy New Month.
Time never stops for someone, it flies. But my love for you will remain there, it will never fly or die. Have a lovely month ahead.
New month, new challenges, new hopes, new goals…I hope you beat every challenge and achieve your goals this month successfully. Happy New Month.
Forget the last and welcome new month with whole your heart. May you have sunny days and calm nights ahead. Happy New Month.
Pray to God on the start of the month so that He will help you in every matter of life throughout the month. Have a Nice New Month.
I wish you will find more opportunities to achieve what you want. God bless you. Happy Month to you.
Forget about the days and night, ups and downs, good and bad of the previous month. Its time to go on and hope for the best. Wish you a best New Month ahead.

Its time to forget the pain. Don’t let your efforts go in vain. Get ready for the struggle. Try hard and gain what you want. Happy New Month.

In this new month , Your Joy will be complete ,Victory Songs will not cease from your Mouth and Each New Day will bring you closer to the Fullness of your Destiny.

Happiness Keeps U SWEET, Trials Make U STRONG, Sorrows Keeps U HUMBLE, Success Keeps You GLOWING. Have a lovely new month.

Just Like the Eagle, You’ll fly Like Gold, You will be Valued Like the Sun, You shall shine bright Like the river, You shall flow unlimited Like the Palm Tree, You shall Flourish , You shall be Useful. Welcome to a new month.

Wishing you fabulous new month, a month with new experiences awaits you.
Open your Mind 2 Possibilities and You’ll be amazed by what you are capable of achieving this new month. Have a successful month.

May God keep you away from harm and sadness in upcoming month. May you have no problems and tensions this month. Have a peaceful new month.

Forget about the days and night, ups and downs, good and bad of the previous month. Its time to launch your hope for the best. Wish you a best New Month ahead.

Tuesday 29 August 2017

Eid ul adha is the event which give us lessons of sharing and helping. Therefore you must start your eid by sending eid mubarak messages to your friends. 

And therefore we are compiling a list of some new eid al adha Mubarak wishes from which you can choose the one that you like.

Eid Ul Adha Mubarak Wishes:
❤ Eid Ul Adha is Eid of sacrifice and
commitment of Allah’s orders. May Allah bless us with the same in all circles of life, and help all amongst us, who are helpless, worried and waiting for his rehmat. Eid Mubarak!

❤ I wish you all a very happy and peaceful Eid, May Allah accept your good deeds, Forgive your transgressions and ease, The suffering of all peoples around the globe, Eid Mubarak.\

❤ May the choicest blessings of Allah fill your life with peace joy and prosperity.”

❤ Having you in my life is a blessing and on Eid Ul Adha. I wish that it stays forever. Eid Mubarak! On the Holy occasion of Eid Ul Adha that celebrates the hajj… 

❤ May you be filled with happiness and may every step of your journey through life be blessed by Allah. Eid Mubarak!

❤ EID Is An Event When We Share Our Joys And Happiness With Our Special Ones. So On This Happy Event How I Can Forget My Special Ones. Accept My Hearteous Regards And Congrats To U And Ur All Family Members

Eid Mubarak Wishes:
✳ Sending you warm wishes on the
prestigious event of “EID-UL-Adha” and
wishing that, it brings your way ever
happiness And Joys. Happy Barkid

❤ May the blessing of Allah make your days be filled with peace and prosperity, Eid Mubarak!

✳ My nicely desires, my precise needs for you are the simply prayers in your lengthy satisfied lifestyles from Allah in this noble event. Desire you a totally satisfied Eid Al Adha mubarak, my pricey.

Monday 28 August 2017

Here are some of the best inspiring good morning quotes and good morning wishes from around the web that you must add to your daily routine to kick start your day.

Inspirational Good Morning Quotes & Wishes
Be pleasant until ten o’clock in the morning and the rest of the day will take care of itself. — Elbert Hubbard

The world is beautiful outside when there is stability inside. —

When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive - to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love. — Marcus Aurelius

Your journey will be much lighter and easier if you don’t carry your past with you.

Waking up this morning, I smile. 24 brand new hours are before me. I vow to live fully in each moment. — Thich Nhat Hanh

Good Morning Wishes and Quotes

Morning is an important time of day, because how you spend your morning can often tell you what kind of day you are going to have. — Lemony Snicket

Prayer is the key of the morning and the bolt of the evening. — Mahatma Gandhi

Every morning, I wake up saying, I’m still alive, a miracle. And so I keep on pushing. — Jim Carrey

Not the day only, but all things have their morning. — French Proverb

An early-morning walk is a blessing for the whole day. — Henry David Thoreau

You cry and you scream and you stomp your feet and you shout. You say, 'You know what? I'm giving up, I don't care.' And then you go to bed and you wake up and it's a brand new day, and you pick yourself back up again. — Nicole Scherzinger

Life is too short, she panicked, I want more. He nodded slowly, Wake up earlier. — Dr. SunWolf

The sun has not caught me in bed in fifty years. — Thomas Jefferso

I like my coffee black and my mornings bright. — Terri Guillemets

I used to love night best but the older I get the more treasures and hope and joy I find in mornings. — Terri Guillemets

Early morning cheerfulness can be extremely obnoxious. — William Feather

You have to get up every morning and tell yourself I can do this.

Every morning you have two choices- continue to sleep with dreams or wake up and chase your dreams. The choice is yours!

Your journey will be much lighter and easier if you don't carry your past with you.

Even after all this time, The Sun never says to the earth – You owe me.

When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive – to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love. — Marcus Aurelius

There is no snooze button on a cat who wants breakfast.

Lose an hour in the morning, and you will spend all day looking for it. — Richard Whately

Be willing to be a beginner every single morning. — Meister Eckhart

You have to get up every morning and tell yourself I can do this.

Now that your eyes are open, make the sun jealous with your burning passion to start the day. Make the sun jealous or stay in bed. — Malak El Halabi

Thank God every morning when you get up that you have something to do that day, which must be done, whether you like it or not. — James Russell Lowell

Think Happy & Positive Good Morning

The world is new to us every morning – this is God’s gift and every man should believe he is reborn each day. — Baal Shem Tov

In the morning a man walks with his whole body; in the evening, only with his legs. — Ralph Waldo Emerson

Good Morning Images

Every morning was a cheerful invitation to make my life of equal simplicity, and I may say innocence, with Nature herself. — Henry David Thoreau

I get up every morning and it’s going to be a great day. You never know when it’s going to be over so I refuse to have a bad day. — Paul Henderson

Good Morning Images Quotes Wishes

Smile in the mirror. Do that every morning and you’ll start to see a big difference in your life. — Yoko Ono

Every morning is a beautiful morning. — Terri Guillemets

Good Morning Wishes and Quotes

When I first open my eyes upon the morning meadows and look out upon the beautiful world, I thank God I am alive. — Ralph Waldo Emerson

Good Morning Quotes Wishes images Every day I feel is a blessing from God. And I consider it a new beginning

One key to success is to have lunch at the time of day most people have breakfast. — Robert Brault

Morning comes whether you set the alarm or not. — Ursula K. Le Guin

You’ll be OK in the morning!

Good Morning Images Quotes

Everyone has highs and lows that they have to learn from, but every morning I start off with a good head on my shoulders, saying to myself, ‘It’s going to be a good day!’. — Lindsay Lohan

Old friends pass away, new friends appear. It is just like the days. An old day passes, a new day arrives. The important thing is to make it meaningful – a meaningful friend – or a meaningful day. — Dalai

The Happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts

Opportunities are like sunrises. If you wait too long, you miss them. — William Arthur Ward

The sun is new each day. — Heraclitus

Good Morning Wishes and Quotes

Top 45 Stay Strong Quotes – Don’t Give Up Short Quotes

You cry and you scream and you stomp your feet and you shout. You say, ‘You know what? I’m giving up, I don’t care.’ And then you go to bed and you wake up and it’s a brand new day, and you pick yourself back up again. — Nicole Scherzinger

I love early mornings when I feel like a rest of the world is the fast asleep and you’re the only one who’s awake and everything feels like it isn't really real and you kind of forget about all your problems because for now it’s just you, the world and the sunrise. Good Morning

I have always been delighted at the prospect of a new day, a fresh try, one more start, with perhaps a bit of magic waiting somewhere behind the morning. — B. Priestley

There was never a night or a problem that could defeat sunrise or hope. — Bernard Williams

I used to love night best but the older I get the more treasures and hope and joy I find in mornings. — Terri Guillemets

First thing in morning quote Quotes Wishes image

Every day I feel is a blessing from God. And I consider it a new beginning. Yeah, everything is beautiful.

I’m so glad my window looks east into the sunrising- It’s so splendid to see the morning coming up over those long hills and glowing through those sharp fir tops. It’s new every morning, and I feel as if I washed my very soul in that bath of earliest sunshine. — L.M. Montgomery

I'm so glad my window looks east into the sunrising- It's so splendid to see the morning coming up over those long hills and glowing through those sharp fir tops. It's new every morning, and I feel as if I washed my very soul in that bath of earliest sunshine. — L.M. Montgomery

Love. Fall in love and stay in love. Write only what you love, and love what you write. The key word is love. You have to get up in the morning and write something you love, something to live for. — Ray Bradbury

Good Morning Quotes : The world is beautiful outside when there is stability inside.

Think in the morning. Act in the noon. Eat in the evening. Sleep in the night. — William Blake

I remind myself every morning: Nothing I say this day will teach me anything. So if I’m going to learn, I must do it by listening. — Larry King

An early morning walk is a blessing for the whole day. — Henry David Thoreau

Good Morning Quotes : Waking up this morning, I smile. 24 brand new hours are before me

I think that when you get dressed in the morning, sometimes you’re really making a decision about your behavior for the day. Like if you put on flip-flops, you’re saying: ‘Hope I don’t get chased today.’ ‘Be nice to people in sneakers.’ — Demetri Martin

Each day is a little life: every waking and rising a little birth, every fresh morning a little youth, every going to rest and sleep a little death. — Arthur Schopenhauer

Good Morning Quotes : Prayer is the key of the morning and the bolt of the evening.

I wake up some mornings and sit and have my coffee and look out at my beautiful garden, and I go, ‘Remember how good this is. Because you can lose it.’

Every morning, I wake up saying, I’m still alive, a miracle. And so I keep on pushing. — Jim Carrey

Nothing is more beautiful than the loveliness of the woods before sunrise. — George Washington Carver

Good Morning Quotes : Opportunities are like sunrises. If you wait too long, you miss them.

When I woke up this morning my girlfriend asked me, ‘Did you sleep good?’ I said ‘No, I made a few mistakes.’

The Happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts. So Think Happy & Positive

Sometimes stepping outside the comfort zone box can help change the view!

An early morning walk is a blessing for the whole day.

Millions of trees in the world are accidentally planted by squirrels – who bury nuts, then forget where they hid them. Do good and forget. It’ll grow some day.

Every morning I get up and look through the Forbes list of the richest people in America. If I’m not there, I go to work. — Robert Orben

Morning is an important time of day, because how you spend

No matter how bad things are, you can at least be happy that you woke up this morning. — D. L Hughley

With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts.

I like my coffee black and my mornings bright.

I love early mornings when I feel like a rest of the world is the fast asleep and you’re the only one who’s awake and everything feels like it isn’t really real and you kind of forget about all your problems because for now it’s just you, the world and the sunrise.

The older generation thought nothing of getting up at five every morning  and the younger generation doesn’t think much of it either. — John J. Welsh

No matter how bad things are, you can at least be happy that

The sun is but a morning star. — Henry David

There is no hope for a civilization which starts each day to the sound of an alarm clock.

Never work before breakfast; if you have to work before breakfast, eat your breakfast first. — Josh Billings

Morning with You

It is in the early morning hour that the unseen is seen, and that the far-off beauty and glory, vanquishing all their vagueness, move down upon us till they stand clear as crystal close over against the soul. — Sarah Smiley

Most people do not consider dawn to be an attractive experience unless they are still up. — Ellen Goodman

I get up every morning and it’s going to be a great day. You never know when it’s going to be over so I refuse to have a bad day. — Paul Henderson

There are two ways to wake up in the morning. One is to say, ‘Good morning, God,’ and the other is to say, ‘Good God, morning!’ — Fulton J. Sheen

Morning is wonderful. Its only drawback is that it comes at such an inconvenient time of day. — Glen Cook

Every morning you have two choices- continue to sleep with dreams or wake up

Every morning brings new potential, but if you dwell on the misfortunes of the day before, you tend to overlook tremendous opportunities. — Harvey Mackay

 Top 45 Short Inspirational Quotes

You know that feeling when you wake up in the morning and you’re excited for the day? That’s one of my main goals in life. — Kirsten Dunst

Be pleasant until ten o’clock in the morning and the rest

To simply wake up every morning a better person than when I went to bed. — Sidney Poitier

It is well to be up before daybreak, for such habits contribute to health, wealth, and wisdom. — Aristotle

Millions of trees in the world are accidentally planted by squirrels – who bury nuts, then forget where they hid them. Do good and forget. It’ll grow some day.

I’ve learnt that a smile and good morning goes a long way, and saying thank you goes even further.

Saturday 26 August 2017

Love. It's a crazy thing, isn't it? It's so beautiful and brings so much happiness, yet it’s one of the most confusing and (potentially) heartbreaking things in this world. If love has left you tongue -tied and at a loss for words, you're not alone - but we are here to help. We've come up with a list of 23 perfect loving text messages that will get the message across and leave a smile planted on your beloveds face.

1. The fate of love is that it is always too little or too much. Don’t live your life with someone you want to live with; live it with someone you can’t live without.

2. “I trust you” is a better compliment than “I love you” because you may not always trust the one you love, but believe me, you can always love the person you trust for the rest of your life.

3. You might find it easy to fall in love with someone, the hard thing is how to keep that someone forever. But that is the challenge of love, fighting, without knowing how to win!

4. We never know how this closeness has started. We will never know how it would end. But whatever happens, when our closeness is gone, I will never forget how you made me smile once in a while.

5. I had been believing that there is a paradise beyond the skies. But now I realized that heaven is just right here on earth, because what would an angel like you be doing here if heaven is somewhere else?

6. We are all a little weird and life’s a little weird and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love.

7. A great love? It’s when you shed tears and still you care for him, it’s when he ignores you and still you long for him. It’s when he begins to love another and yet you still smile and say I’m happy for you.

8. If love fails, set yourself free, let your heart spread its wings and fly again. Remember you may find love and lose it, but when love dies, you never have to die with it.

9. Loving is not how you forget but how you forgive, not how you listen but how you understand, not what you see but how you feel, and not how you let go but how you hold on.

10. In love, very rarely do we win but when love is true, even if you lose, you still win just for having the tingle of loving someone more than you love yourself.

11. There comes a time when we have to stop loving someone not because that person has stopped loving us but because we have found out that they’d be happier if we let go.

12. If you really love someone never let go, don’t believe that letting go means that you love best, instead fight for your love, that’s what true love is.

13. It’s best to wait for the one you want than settle for one that’s available. Best to wait for the one you love than one who is around. Best to wait for the right one because life is too short to waste on just someone.

14. Sometimes the one you love turns out to be the one who hurts you the most, and sometimes the friend who takes you into his arms and cries when you cry turns out to be the love you never knew you wanted.

15. Many believe that love is forever, that love never dies, only to be disillusioned in the end when we find our hands empty and our hearts longing. We mistakenly have looked at love as a need to be fulfilled, but love is only a gift given to us. We should not hold it in our hands, for we may never find the strength to let it go when it decides to leave. We should only embrace its warmth and glow while it lasts and freely open our arms when it’s time to say goodbye.

16. Don’t tie your heart to a person who has nothing to offer you. You may say you’re in love, you might even say he/she is your soul mate. But is that enough to fill your need for love? Let go. It might hurt for a while, but when you get over it, you’ll find it’s for the better.

17. You deserve to be happy not in the arms of someone who keeps you waiting, but in the arms of someone who will take you now, love you forever, and leave you never, right?

18. Never doubt someone’s love for you. If you find some imperfections, let it be. If you survived the pain, the happiness is satisfying. Never find the perfect love, because love without pain is impossible.

19. 70 million people are having sex right now! 40 million are planning to have sex. 30 million are dreaming of it and one expert is busy reading this message! =)

20. Love can never be wrong, sometimes, you blame the situation or even the person. But no matter who you blame, if it really wasn’t the will of God, it just wouldn’t be.

21. If I never met you, I wouldn’t like you. If I didn’t like you, I wouldn’t love you. If I didn’t love you, I wouldn’t miss you. But I did, I do and I will.

22. Someone misses you so much, its not your family nor your relatives. Its not even your best friend nor your closest pal. Its just the simple ordinary me, who misses the extraordinary.

23. You are the reason why I have sleepless nights. You’re the reason why I tend to hold my pillow tight. It’s you that I’m thinking of when I lay down at night. And you’re the reason I can’t sleep without saying goodnight.

Tuesday 22 August 2017

• I couldn’t fall asleep unless I told you how much I miss you – love you and goodnight!

• You are the sweetest thing, and I love you.

• Today has been a non-stop, hectic, crazy day, and I wish I had gotten time to see you… so I’m thinking about you before I fall asleep. Goodnight, sleep tight!

• I’ve got you and only you in my heart <3 sweet dreams...

• I wish we didn’t have to sleep apart, so I’ll be seeing you in my dreams my love…

• Every day you give me more reasons to fall in love with you – I’m thinking of ways to make you fall more and more in love with me as I fall asleep, dreaming of you…

• I don’t know what I’d do without you – you mean everything to me.

• I tried counting the reasons I love you – but there were too many and now I’m falling asleep thinking of you.

• Goodnight, man of my dreams, I’ll see you there…

• I love, love, love you. I’m going to have dreams about you tonight…

• Are you going to think about me before you fall asleep tonight? I hope so…

• Spending today with you was absolutely perfect.

• I wish you were here next to me as I fall asleep, and when I wake up in the morning…

• Missing you as I drift off to sleep…
• Will I be in your dreams? What will we be doing together, I wonder…

• It’s cold here, I wish we could be together to warm up…

• I hope I’ll be in your dreams tonight ;)

• I couldn’t fall asleep unless I told you how much I miss you – love you and goodnight!

• You are the sweetest thing, and I love you.

• Today has been a non-stop, hectic, crazy day, and I wish I had gotten time to see you… so I’m thinking about you before I fall asleep. Goodnight, sleep tight!

• I wish we didn’t have to sleep apart, so I’ll be seeing you in my dreams my love…

• I don’t know what I’d do without you – you mean everything to me.

• I tried counting the reasons I love you – but there were too many and now I’m falling asleep thinking of you.

• Goodnight, man of my dreams, I’ll see you there…

• I love, love, love you.